The Beedabei bulb box

Plan springtime for the bees with a colorful box. (plant now in Sept-Oct)

To offer bees nectar and pollen at different times in spring, you could also consider the possibility of planting a colorful surprise box with flower bulbs.

Due to the depth of the box (without the inlay), it is possible to plant bulbs in two layers. In the lowest position, you can either put tulips (tulipa kaufmanniana is the best – tulips with multiple blossoms are also nice), narcissus (narcissus pseudonarcissus – narcissus poeticus are also beautiful) or hyacinths (hyazinthus orientalis). It is also possible to mix them, as they bloom at different times. Yet you have to carefully consider the flowering time when buying the bulbs.

The viola cornuta – which grows well during the winter and blooms in autumn as well as in spring – is planted in the uppermost layer. Viola, just like the bulb flowers, are an excellent bee pasture.

Then you push the crocus into the ground in between the viola and cover them up with soil. The crocus or snowdrops, which can be mixed, must be covered with soil as high as they are thick. (see description in the picture)

Depending on the weather, you then have a flowering Beedabei balcony box from February to May.


A so-called Lasagne planting or layer planting is also very interesting in flowerpot. For planting, the drainage holes are as important as the drainage with leca (clay).

A good flower or garden soil (or a mixture of both) is best to plant the flowers.

The pot should not be too small, because you have to cover each layer with about 5 cm (about 2 inches) of soil. The flower bulbs should be laid in a way that gives the plant the chance to grow freely. Using small rods or wooden sticks can be helpful in marking the position of the lower bulbs. These can be removed again when the pot is planted completely.

You can either choose a colorful mixture of flower bulbs or just stick to a just one species if you choose early, mid-early and late-flowering varieties. You definitely have to pay attention to the flowering season.

Small onions such as crocus (crocus vernus), snowdrops (galanthus nivalis) and spring snowflakes (leucojum vernum) always have to be in the top layer.

Have fun. Best regards, Harro

Harro Wilhelm


Beedabei supports the diversity of bees in the city. I consider this a good start, it is currently communicable because it concerns our very own existence. Because without bees, we are deprived of our food base.