Beedabei Sternstunden

Flashmob,  an den Weltbienentagen am  20. Mai

Flashmob Info

Aus 10 bienenfreundlich bepflanzten Beedabei-Kästen entsteht ein Europa-Stern. Diese, Eure Sterne ploppen überall im ganzen Bundesgebiet auf und treffen sich mit ihren Bildern davon, im Netz unter dem Hashtag,  #Beedabei. Anschauen könnt ihr den Flashmob auf unseren Social Media Kanälen und auch hier auf der Website

Auf unseren Social Media Seiten

🇬🇧 English

Flashmob Beedabei star moment

Beedabei, the art project that makes bee feeding stations visible in European cities with its bright yellow balcony boxes, is launching a widespread Europe-wide flashmob, the Beedabei star moment, on May 20th , on World Bee Day.

On this day, European stars will pop up from 10 bee-friendly planted Beedabei balcony boxes in municipalities, associations, schools, parks, kindergartens, companies or by private individuals. On the Beedabei website, the participants can be found on the map of Germany.  The photos and videos of them are to be found on all social media channels under the hashtag #Beedabei or with the tag @Beedabei. These are liked by the initiators of the art project, Peter H. Kalb and Gisela M. Bartulec, and shared on their Beedabei pages.  There, for one day, yellow, insect-friendly planted European stars from all parts of Europe then cavort with the people participating in this flashmob. The locations for the stars can also be unusual.  You might find one on the roof of a skyscraper, another in a meadow orchard, or in the market place of a municipality.  The more unusual and creative, the more beautiful.

The idea is to create a Beedabei star galaxy which, after the campaign, will flow into the respective cities and there provide nourishment for our bees, which are responsible for a third of the food for humans.  Anyone who wants to take part can find out more and register on the website

An den Weltbienentagen erschaffen wir alle zusammen für unsere kleinen Bienen eine hell leuchtende Beedabei Sternengalaxie

Beedabei - Voll dabei